The Mentoring Resources Committee was initially constituted as a task force in 2006 to identify and support mentoring opportunities that distinguish 重口味SMas an exceptional learning community. The Mentoring Resources Committee is charged with reviewing applications for mentoring funds and awarding funds for student travel grants and university wide project fund grants.
Mentoring Resources Committee Purpose Statement
重口味SM embraces a culture that is committed to developing mentoring relationships. These connections and networks will be manifested in a variety of ways, giving students not only the opportunity to be mentored, but to mentor others. Developing and sustaining relationships that provide personal and professional guidance will be the hallmark of a 重口味SMeducation.
Mentoring Overview
Many grants under the Project Fund support activities that are sustained over a set period of time (summer, semester, academic year) and that involve budget requests up to $25,000. The Project Fund application is used for all grant requests with the exception of travel grant requests for student presenters of academic research conducted with a faculty mentor.
Mentoring project grants strengthen the mentoring culture at 重口味SMby funding activities that support meaningful mentoring relationships. Past grants have supported summer research experiences for undergraduates, interpreted broadly to include research, scholarly, or artistic activities that pair an experienced faculty member with a student for a sustained summer project. We will continue to encourage requests for research, scholarly, and artistic experience grants that connect students with faculty mentors. Proposals that request funding for new approaches to mentoring for faculty, students (graduate and undergraduate) and staff are also encouraged, as are projects that pair 重口味SMstudents with K-12 students.
Requests for smaller projects are also accepted under the project fund. We expect that requests for smaller grants will cover a broader range of activities, such as funding for speakers or educational materials. Project funds can also be requested to cover some of the expense associated with attendance at conferences or meetings by students who are not presenting. Mentoring funds cannot be awarded for projects or trips associated with credit bearing courses.
Mentoring project grants cannot be used for scholarships or tuition, for costs associated with credit-bearing study tours, for computers and computer peripherals, capital improvements or equipment, or to underwrite activities or responsibilities that fall within the normal or customary responsibilities of a department or office. The mentoring project fund is not open to applications that request funds to supplement a department鈥檚 or program鈥檚 operating budget or to primarily underwrite food or beverage expenses (the Mentoring Resources Committee has provided unit deans with an allocation to support social activities among faculty, staff and their majors). While some proposed projects may directly or indirectly benefit individuals who are not affiliated with the University, applicants are reminded that members of the 重口味SMcommunity should be the primary beneficiaries of grant funding. Requests to fund activity that has already taken place will not be considered.
The Mentoring Resources Committee reserves the right to adjust line item requests.
Applicants are encouraged to follow the guidelines carefully and complete each section of the application. The reviewers will not look favorably on proposals and/or budgets that are disorganized, confusing or vague. Applicants should be as detailed as possible in describing the proposed activity and in explaining how the activity outputs and outcomes cultivate a meaningful mentoring relationship. While it is important to develop the context of the activity that a grant would underwrite, proposals should not focus primarily on the details of the research, scholarly or creative project itself, but on the benefits of the activity in supporting learning and helping to meet the developmental needs of the proposed mentee(s).
For assistance in managing the budget, submitting any required paperwork for faculty, staff and students, and maintaining required documentation on purchases made with grant funding, please contact:
Annie Popson
Financial and Compliance Coordinator
Office of Sponsored Programs
Cohen Science Center
(570) 408-3349