Associate Professor and Co Chair
Math Physics and Computer Science
Stark Learning Center Room 411 A
(570) 408-3276
Degrees with fields, institution, and date
- PhD | Physics | University of Arkansas | 2004
- MSc | Physics | Yarmouk University-Jordan | 1995
- BSc | Physics | Yarmouk University-Jordan | 1992
Years in academia, date of original appointment, and date(s) of promotion
- 1 year
- Appointed 2008
Other related experience
- 1 year as Assistant Professor
- Teaching Physics courses for engineering, science, health sciences and pharmacy students (Algebra and/or calculus based) Division of Engineering and Physics at 重口味SM, Wilkes-Barre PA
- Courses: Physics 201, Physics 201 lab, Physics 174
- Coordinator - Phy 201 and Phy 174 labs
- Incorporating technology in teaching through developing online fully automated/hybrid courses (different platforms such as Blackboard, WebCT, Wiley-Plus, etc).
- Assisted the supervision of several ME/EE senior projects
- Provided consulting services for local industry (Lehighton Electronics)
Postdoctoral fellow 2004 鈥 2007
- Researcher with Dr. H. Fu at the University of Arkansas-Physics Department
- Computational physics: DFT and Semi-Empirical Pseudo-potential Method
Research assistant 2000-2004
- Researcher with Prof. M. Xiao, Physics Department, University of Arkansas Experimental physics: Optical spectroscopy
- Researcher with Prof. X. Peng, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Arkansas
Teaching assistant 1998-2000
- Physics Department-University of Arkansas
Computer Skills
- Operating Systems: DOS, WINDOWS and UNIX
- Programming Languages: BASIC, TURBO PASCAL, FORTRAN and C
- Software: Scientific software applications (MathCAD, Origin, Mathematical, Logger Pro, Mat Lab, Maple, etc), Lab View and automation, in addition to educational software applications (such as Interactive Physics and data studio).
- Experimental optical spectroscopy and photonics, structural, surface, and compositional characterization and analytical techniques, synthesis and growth techniques of reduced dimensional crystalline structures, computational condensed matter physics.
Scientific and professional societies
- Member of the American Physical Society
- Member of the APS Division of Polymer Physics
Professional development activities in the 2008-2009:
Percentage of time available for research or scholarly activities:
As needed
Percentage of time committed to the program:
100% Physics
- 鈥淧hoto-oxidation-enhanced coupling in densely packed Cdse quantum-dot films鈥 X. Wang, J. Zhang, A. Nazzal, and Min Xiao; Appl. Phys. Le tt. 83,162-164 (2003)
- Photo activated CdSe Nanocrystals as Nanosensors for Gases鈥滱. Nazzal, L. Qu, X. Peng and M. Xiao; Nano Letters 3, 819-822 (2003)
- 鈥淓nvironmental Effects on Photoluminescence of Highly Luminescent CdSe and CdSe/ZnS Core/Shell Nanocrystals in Polymer Thin Films鈥 A. Nazzal, X. Wang , L. Qu, W. Yu, Y. Wang , X. Pengand M. Xiao; J. Phys. Chem. B 108 (18), 5507-5515 (2004)
- 鈥淓lectronic Properties and Tunability in Si Quantum rings鈥 A. Nazzal, H. Fu and L.-W. Wang; J. Appl. Phys. 98,083703 (2005)
- 鈥淥rganic-inorganic hybrid semiconductor ZnSe (C2H8N2)1/2 under hydrostatic pressure 鈥 A. Nazzal and H. Fu; Phys. Rev. B. 72, 075202 (2005)
- 鈥淭heoretical comparison of the size dependent electronic and optical properties in CdS and CdSe spherical nanocrsytals鈥 A. Nazzal and H. Fu; Invited review article accepted for publication by CTN, Jul08
NSF (later through NSF-MRSEC program) research scholarships/grants - 2000-2007