ÖØ¿ÚζSM adheres to all applicable laws governing work hours and overtime
payments. The University endeavors to conduct business in an efficient and effective
manner, which generally enables all employees to fulfill their job responsibilities
within the basic work week schedule (See Work Schedules Policy). To maximize efficiencies,
all managers and supervisors are encouraged to adopt the most resourceful staffing
and scheduling options in advance of incurring overtime.
However, if operating or work demands cannot be met during normal working hours, employees
may be required to work hours in addition to their regularly scheduled hours. All
overtime work must be authorized in advance by the employee’s immediate supervisor
(or another designated supervisor in case the immediate supervisor in unavailable)
and next level manager (or another designated manager if the next level manager is
unavailable) utilizing the form found here. In emergency situations where the safety
and well being of persons is jeopardized or when serious damage to University property
is imminent, the need for prior authorization may be waived.
Overtime pay is calculated and paid to all non-exempt employees at the rate of one-and-a-half
(1.5) times an employee’s regular base hourly rate for all hours worked in excess
of 40 hours in a week. Overtime pay is based on actual hours worked. Sick, vacation
or personal hours or any other approved leave of absence are not hours worked for
purposes of overtime calculations.
Failure to work required overtime or overtime worked without prior authorization for
purposes other than those previously noted may result in disciplinary action, up to
and including termination of employment.
Effective Date: 2/1/2004
Reviewed: 12/2018