For students who receive tuition reimbursement from their employer, tuition deferment
is an available payment option. Tuition deferment requires that payment be received
by 重口味SM no later than 30 days after a course ends.
Requests for deferment must be submitted prior to the start of each semester. Deferment applies only to the amount the employer will reimburse on tuition. It
does not include fees, room and board, books or other charges unless otherwise noted
by your employer. These charges must be remitted as required by Wilkes.
If a reimbursement check is not received 30 days after the conclusion of a course,
the student is personally responsible for payment. Students with unpaid, past-due
balances will be placed on financial hold, which will not allow course registration
for the next semester, mailing of grades/official transcripts, and diplomas. Clearance
forms cannot be signed until all outstanding account balances are paid in full.